Please let me know of anything I'm missing. (I would have particular interest in original fan club publications. I hope to add some concert/tour programmes at some point.)
Gerry and the Pacemakers Souvenir Song Book
Gerry and the Pacemakers Monthly
1960s Pop Magazine Specials
Marsden, Gerry with Ray Coleman. I'll Never Walk Alone.
London: Bloomsbury, 1993
Gerry's autobiography is a joy to read, and never boring. It
reflects upon his early life, his rise with the Pacemakers, his
period in theatre and television, his return to touring in the
1970s and beyond, and his two charity singles in the 1980s.
Gerry provides accounts of many of the famous people he grew up
and worked with, naturally with a heavy focus on The Beatles and
their entourage. The book includes UK and USA discographies in
appendices, and prints a number of rare photographs of Gerry
from all phases of his life and career.
The first two-thirds of the text recount Gerry's life up to 1967
and the breakup of the Pacemakers, with only the final third
devoted to 1968 to 1993. Nevertheless, this autobiography is by
no means a definitive history of the Pacemakers, and there is
still a need for an authoritative narrative of those years. For
example, precious little in this book deals with anything the
band did after the Ferry Cross The Mersey album and film,
leaving almost all of 1965 and 1966 a blank. But this book did
not set out to be a blow-by-blow history of the band, and it
should not be evaluated as such. It's a lively read, and it is
indeed interesting to compare some of the differences in
narrative between this book and the "Gerry and the Pacemakers
Story" series from the 1964 Monthly magazines!
Preface (p. 1)
The magazine lasted a mere four issues, running from March to
June of 1964. Issue #1 was 28 pages, while the remaining three
issues had 32 pages. Approximately half of the magazine was
taken up with full-page photographs. The last three issues followed a general matrix format:
Editorial (p. 2)
Contains one-page bios of each of the band members, with a facing portrait (pp. 7-13) as well as half-page bios (with smaller photos) of Brian Epstein and George Martin (pp. 16-17)
Lyrics to "How Do You Do It" (p. 20)
Pacemail (pp. 22-23) and Fan Club newsletter (pp. 25, 27).
Mitch Hastings: "Keeping Pace With Gerry"
Gerry and the Pacemakers Story
Lyrics to "Away From You" on page 11
Mitch Hastings: "Gerry Down Under: Australian Tour Report"
Gerry and the Pacemakers Story
Lyrics to "I Like It" on page 11
This issue contains a number of photographs from the 20 March
1964 session at Abbey Road Studios, at which "Don't Let The Sun
Catch You Crying" was recorded.
Mitch Hastings: "Gerry and the Pacemakers Go Stateside
Gerry and the Pacemakers Story
Lyrics to "It's All Right" on page. 18.
Contents The History of Gerry and the Pacemakers: Pacesetters of the modern pop scene
Mix of colour and monochrome images, with a brief account of the band spread across a few pages.
The British official fan club began in 1963, about the time "How
Do You Do It?" was first released. Gerry's then-girlfriend (and
current wife) Pauline Behan was the club Secretary, with her
primary job being to respond to the mountains of letters
directed to the band as their popularity rose. Pauline's
reading of these letters apparently resulted in some awkward
moments between her and Gerry, as more than a few seemed to
comminicate a desire to get more than just an autography from Gerry, and
some writers conflated fantasy and reality to recount, for example, a
rendesvous that never happened. (See I'll Never Walk
Alone pp. 54-55.) The club address in 1964 was 56 Barford
Rd., Hunts Cross, Liverpool, 25. Monthly newsletters were
produced (probably little more than a single printed sheet) and
at least two different types of membership cards were issued.
The introduction of the Monthly magazine seems to have been an
attempt to make the club more easily managed by including the
newsletter at the back of the magazine. Pauline seems to have
stopped being responsible for the club soon after the Monthly
collapsed: by 1965 it was operated by Rosanna Scott, operating
out of Service House, 13 Monmouth St., London W.C.2. I presume
the British club started to dry up around the end of 1965 when
the band had its last hits.
Originals or photocopies of any fan club newsletters from the
1960s would be of great interest to me.
I'll Never Walk Alone
Chapter One -- On The Streets Of Liverpool: Fighting Fit (p.
Chapter Two -- The Hits Begin: Liverpool Explodes (p. 29)
Chapter Three -- Love and Marriage: Ferry Cross the Atlantic (p.
Chapter Four -- Farewell to a Friend: A New Stage (p. 91)
Chapter Five -- The Pendulum Swings :Walking Alone (p. 109)
Chapter Six -- Tragedies and Triumphs: Magic Moments (p. 135)
UK Discography (p. 156)
US Discography (p. 167)
CD Discography (p. 172)
Gerry and the
Hansen Publications,
Souvenir Song Book
This songbook originally retailed for
$1.25 in the United States. Its has numerous pictures (b&w), a
plug for the official American Fan Club, and arrangements for
guitar and piano of eight songs, which are:
Songbooks from the 1960s are notorious for poor arrangements,
and this one proves little exception. The arrangements have a
passing similarity to the original songs when actually played on
guitar. The British market seems to have had no compilation songbook like this one (at least, not that I've seen), and instead single-song sheet music proved the music publisher's preferred method of distribution.
How Do You Like
This is a discography privately printed
by Koji Mikuma of Japan. It's entirely in Japanese, but appears
to be a quite detailed and thorough study of the discs available
of the band. You can purchase these books from Koji at .
Gerry and the Pacemakers Monthly
Published by the same
people as the better-known "Beatles Monthly" Books, the Gerry
and the Pacemakers were not nearly as successful, and are indeed
hard to find today. Pete Goodman was the editor, with Bob
Gibson as the Art Editor. Each issue retailed for one shilling
and sixpence at magazine stands, with subscriptions being sold
for one guinea per year.
Gerry News (p. 4) - general short notices of recent happenings
and upcoming events
Mitch Hastings column (pp. 7, 9) - Short, highly polished
articles following the Pacemakers on a typical day, recent tour,
Pacemail (pp. 14-15) - Letters and responses: one wonders what
happened to some of the teeneyboppers who wrote about their
unstoppable love of the band???
Gerry and the Pacemakers Story, by Ray Jones (pp. 21, 23, 25,
27) - An ongoing series describing the band's rise to fame.
Fan Club Newsletter (pp. 29, 31)Issue 1 - March 1964
Issue 2 - April 1964
Issue 3 - May 1964
Issue 4 - June 1964
1960s Pop Magazine Specials
Meet Gerry and the Pacemakers
Star Special, Number 19 (1964)
Published by World Distributors (Manchester) Ltd.
Compiled and Written by Tony Barrow
40 pages (unpaginated, excluding covers)
Colour cover, B&W contents
9.7" x 7.25"
Les Maguire: Piano Playing Pacemaker
Les Chadwick: Bass Playing Pacemaker
Fred Marsden: Drum Playing Pacemaker
A One-Nighter Day!: A pace-by-pace pictoral souvenir of a typical day on tour
Statistically Speaking
Gerry and the Pacemakers
Pop Pics Super Special (1964)
Published by Georg Newness, Ltd.
16 pages (including covers)
8.4" x 5.4"
1960s Fan Clubs
The American Fan Club seems to have
been in full force by 5 May 1964, as the final issue of Gerry
and the Pacemakers Monthly records a meeting between Gerry
and Julie Cant, the national secretary, on that date. Evidently
the club was a success as Julie "proudly informed the boys that
she'd received an initial delivery of ten sacks of mail since
the boys arrived in New York [on 1 May]." The original American
Fan Club issued its own newsletter - I know nothing of the
format. The Club was run by two people named Julie Cant and
Helen Paul. The mailing address was Box 302, Radio City
Station, New York, 10019. For a membership fee of $1.00 per
year, fans received an 8 1/2 x 11 picture of the band, a
membership card, and "fact sheets & newsletters" at irregular
intervals. Fans in regions could get together groups of 15
members to set up individual chapters, which I assume received
some form of kit for the purpose. It seems most likely that the
Fan Club folded some time in 1966 or early-1967. Present Fan Club
The current fan club issues a
quarterly newsletter. They're up to issue 99 as of summer 2007, so they've been at it quite a while. The
copies I've seen are typically about eight or twelve photocopied
pages, filled with a wealth of
interesting bits! The club is run by Phil Tucker, and annual
membership fees are 10 pounds sterling (current as of July 2007). Enquiries should be
directed to:
Finding such material...
I've had a great deal of luck with eBay for finding programmes and magazines. Try keyword searches once or twice a week and, after a while, something of interest will come up. Also useful is the online antiquarian bookseller datase ABE Books, which occasionally has material of interest. It's probably the easiest (though not always cheapest) way to get ahold of Gerry's autobiography.
This page maintained by Ian Speers
Last updated: 2 June 2007.
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